The Centers of Let Africa Live

The promotion of Professional Trades, A Development opportunity for the Young Unemployed in Bukavu and Rural areas of the D.R. Congo

People often ask why Let Africa Live (LAV) decided to build rural centers in addition to our pilot center at the heart of the City of Bukavu...

Professional training allows individual to develop the knowledge and the skills necessary to find work or start a business. LAV has taken on the mission of integrating young victims of war and conflict in the DRC back into communities and professional activities, especially in the context of the Eastern DRC. Given that rural areas have been the most heavily affected by the presence of militias who have recruited children and destroyed communities, LAV believes it is necessary to have a presence in these ares. LAV believes in the potential of youth who have been given the right opportunities to transform their communities. Through our rural centers LAV promotes the development of workers with skills tailored to their communities, responds to the needs of these communities, tries to resolve the problem of unemployment, and contributes to the reconstruction and development of rural communities.

Knowing that many children in the DRC have not finished primary school, either due to a lack of resources or the effects of war, LAV provides a second chance to this group of young people in rural communities to acquire a fundamental education. Through education and professional training, learn that their future lies not in service to the interests of political actors, but rather in work, peace, human rights, and the needs of the community.






